How to (Carefully) Cut Your Own Hair

It’s been a while since you’ve been able to visit the hair salon, huh? No trims, coloring, touch-ups, nothing, nada, zilch.

Day by day, those locks are looking a little more bedraggled, a little more unkempt… with more and more split ends cropping up.

What’s a girl to do?

Before you go full-out Furiousa and shave your head, take a deep breath, and read on, beauty.

YOU can cut your OWN hair!

Yes, yes, we know! We should leave the cutting to the professionals – but extenuating circumstances (no open salons) call for creative measures (snip, snip, yay!).

So if you have an open mind – and sharp pair of scissors – you can get to it, snipping and trimming away, freshening up that mane and taking names.

Self-care will brighten your day

If we’re being honest, our suggestion to take the scissors to your own glorious head of hair is about more than ridding yourself of split ends.

With all this extra time cooped up at home, with our limited social interactions and therefore, limited chances to get spiffed up and ready for the day, some of our self-care routines are taking a hit. Even getting all gussied up and ready to face the day boosts our self-confidence, and if we have no reason to go out (or more precisely, have a reason to stay in), we are spending less time keeping ourselves presentable.

But those days on days of pyjama pants and popcorn suppers can start to weigh our spirit down… not to mention our waistbands...

Fresh hair and an uplifted spirit

Not only will making time for a bit of self-care like a quick trim offer you a fun activity and a chance to try something new, but you’ll also feel a little more put-together, a little more in control – a little more like yourself again!

Tips for cutting your own hair

While it’s frustrating to not be able to visit our beloved hairstylist to keep that hair in check, there are a few hair maintenance tricks you can implement in the interim that will keep that hair fresh and growing healthy and strong.

First things first, you need to prep your hair cutting station by grabbing:

  • A sharp pair of hair-cutting scissors
  • A water spritzing bottle
  • A hairbrush with flexible bristles (such as the Denman Hair Brush)
  • A hair mask serum (like argan, avocado or coconut oil)
  • A broom or vacuum cleaner (as well as other clean up materials like plastic bags)
  • A light-hearted attitude!

After you’ve acquired all of this, set yourself up in front of the bathroom mirror, and it’s showtime!

Remember, any little mistakes you might make, your hairstylist can likely fix them once you see them again, so give yourself grace through this experience.

How to trim curly hair by Curly Tay

How to trim straight hair by Maryam Maquillage

How to trim short hair by Shopstyleconquer, featuring Tara

Post hair trim maintenance

Now that you have a fresh new do, it’s the perfect time to seal in those freshly-cut cuticles with a hair mask! You can use argan oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, or, if you have any fresh aloe vera gel, you can make your own, at-home aloe vera hair mask treatment!

Now that’s a healthy DIY attitude that’s going to get you places!

And don’t forget to snap a photo of your work to look back on later :)

Keep that hair looking fabulous, fun, and free!

Maintaining the health and the glory of your hair is great for your mind and your spirit – and your look of course, as a fresh new trim will revive those bedraggled strands. You can even get the whole family in on the fun! Host a family hair cut day, and be the designated stylist to bring out even more rejuvenation.


Feature photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash